· MTN has one stop solution for plastic part production and mould by the support of sister company MTN Mould.
· MTN has R&D Center and done successful R&D projects for the customers.
· MTN has a patent, Patent subject: index type rotary mould with compact unit include cooling , ejector system by hydrolic and position communication by switches.
· MTN aims to design new R&D projects with current customers by mentioning them about finished R&D projects.
· MTN presents solutions supplying maximum benefit with high performance and long life mould standart approved by customer.
· MTN produces high quality part with the minimum cycle time by using robots and automation.
· MTN can make co-design and find solutions for the critical problems. MTN has many experience from part design to part production because of having very good fill management system by using DATA server. We are keeping soft and hard copy in the system all MTN history. All of office workers can review according to autorization.
· MTN has carried out five R&D projects which are completed with success.
· MTN tries to understand customer needs and to be close to the customer in location and in solutions.